Opening hours

Detský kútik
Originálne miesto nielen pre deti so zameraním na široké spektrum aktivít. Izbička ponúka kompletne vybavený priestor na organizáciu súkromných detských osláv, menších firemných podujatí a pravidelných kurzov pre deti a dospelých.
Viac na Izbič
Parking fee can be paid at the main payment machine (you can pay by cash or using a contactless payment), but also from the comfort of your car at the exit ramp (using a contactless payment only).
You can use your 90 minutes of free parking also in fractions (only with the same vehicle registration number).
Ing. Katarína Lechmanová
Facility Manager
Technical management, parking system, lost and found office.
Ing. Dagmar Matysová
Retail Manager
Premises lease contract.
Daily rental of market stalls and spaces.